2021-2024 ARP ESSER III
Southwest School Corporation
American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III Grant
The SWSC was awarded $1,923,980.98 through the American Rescue Plan (APR) ESSER III Grant. The ARP ESSER III comes with additional requirements that were not included in the ESSER and ESSER II grants. This includes engaging in meaningful consultation and seeking feedback from stakeholders, including school and district administrators, teachers, school staff, families, students, and those representing students with disabilities, English language learners, children experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory children. The SWSC Board of Trustees sought public feedback on the ARP ESSER III proposal and voted to move forward on the application on June 9, 2021. The ARP ESSER III Grant application was submitted on June 22, 2021 and was presented to the board and stakeholders on July 21. The plan was approved on August 27, 2021 by the Indiana Department of Education. Additionally, the ARP ESSER III grant requires us to submit a plan to return to in-person instruction and gather public comment on that plan as well as post it on the district website. This required return to in-person instruction plan (our back-to-school plan) is updated as necessary at school board meetings and time is provided for public comment. Stakeholders may also provide feedback on either of these plans through the ARP ESSER III and Back-to-School survey. (For more information on the ARP ESSER grants and allowable expenses, please see the IDOE ESSER II and III webpage.)
SWSC School Plan This school plan also serves as the SWSC's Return to In-Person School Plan that is required by the federal government to receive ESSER III grant funds. This plan is reviewed with any public comments taken and approved at SWSC Board of Trustees as necessary but at a minimum by the each of the following dates:
June 24, 2021
Dec. 24, 2021 (Updated 10/21/21 with no public comments; reviewed 12/15/21 with no changes or public comments)
June 24, 2022
Dec. 24, 2022
June 24, 2024 (final)
SWSC Federal COVID-19 Relief Spending information.
To provide feedback on the SWSC ARP ESSER III Plan or the SWSC School Plan, please complete this survey:
ESSER III/Back-to-School Survey
To learn more about ESSER II and ARP ESSER III, please visit the Indiana Department of Education ESSER II and III webpage.